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Baruch (Stuttgart, Germany)


When I came back to Germany after learning in yeshiva in Eretz Yisroel for a year, I was in a state of desperation. The general contrast was exacerbated by the fact that U had absolutely nobody to learn with. From time to time, an opportunity to learn would present itself, but all these things were irregular, and with Torah study, regularity is a necessary condition for success. Only thanks to the Talmud online program did I have the opportunity to establish a regular and serious study session. Now, Boruch Hashem, I am learning constantly, not only online, but also “live”… As it is said, on the way that a person wants to go, the Almighty leads him. But, the new opportunities notwithstanding, not only do I not want to quit my online learning, but I would like to increase the number of hours.

 I think that “Talmud online” is a unique opportunity to learn!


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