
11 publications

Siyum HaShas in the Memory of Reb Zev WolfsonA festive evening, organized by Toldos Yeshurun, in honor of the completion of a cycle of learning all the tractates of the Babylonian Talmud. Dedicated to the memory of Reb Zev Wolfson zt"l.

mission professorMission "Professor"

from magadan to jerusalemRafael's life story

The day of TorahAnnual Toldos Yeshurun Day of Torah

Soviet Union and Rav Itzchok Zilber

Back to Being a JewThe jewish live story: from Magnitigorsk to Chuppah…

Life StoryThe jewish life story: from hippy to limud Torah and shmiras shabbos…

Rav Rabinowitz, chairman of Toldos Yeshurun in America meets Rav Rosner, Wolfson Foundation directorRav Rabinowitz, chairman of Toldos Yeshurun in America meets Rav Rosner, Wolfson Foundation director

A short clip about the Toldos Yeshurun organizationA short clip about the Toldos Yeshurun organization
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