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The success of the Toldos Yeshurun "Kimcha d'Pischa" Campaign

Be”h the "Kimcha d'Pischa" Campaign this Pesach was quite successful. Thanks to the generous donations that were sent in, we were able to help make Pesach for hundreds of families of Russian avrechim in Israel.

The success of the Toldos Yeshurun "Kimcha d'Pischa" Campaign 

Be”h the "Kimcha d'Pischa" Campaign this Pesach was quite successful. Thanks to the generous donations that were sent in, we were able to help make Pesach for hundreds of families of Russian avrechim in Israel.

Toldos Yeshurun also received nice donations from 3 American Russian Jews that were earmarked specifically for our advertising costs in the United States.

We received a lot of encouragement from the Rabbis of  our Rabbinical Board at the whole hearted response of the Tzibbur which helped bring about the success of  the campaign.

Although most of the donations were not deposited into the Toldos Yeshurun bank account before Pesach due to lack of time, we managed to receive a loan before the commencement of the Holiday that enabled us to distribute a generous stipend to more than three hundred avreichim. (Those who did not manage to make a "Kimcha d'Pischa" donation before Pesach, can still do so now to help repay this loan).

These Russian Avrechim in Israel have abandoned all other pursuits and have dedicated their lives to both Torah study, and to educating the thousands of Russian families in Eretz Yisroel who are embarking on their journeys towards Torah observance. 

Since these Avrechim and their these growing families rarely receive support from their extended families, together with the fact that they are generally not familiar with the concept of approaching others for assistance, and their wives are often at a disadvantage in a competitive job market that favors native Hebrew (or English) speakers, the campaign was especially crucial to enable them to celebrate the Chag with dignity.


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