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About 4 Million Visits on the Website toldot.ru in the Year 2012!

In the year 2012, the number of unique visitors on the website toldot.ru has reached 3,896,344 , according to Statscounter.

Our website has proven most popular with citizens of the Russian Federation (43% of visitors). After Russia follow Ukraine (17%), Israel (14%), Germany and the USA. Altogether, 11,561,077 pages with text, audio and video contents have been viewed. Our constant readership who have visited the site many times consists of 1,296,701 readers. It is interesting that our site has visits from the most unusal places on the planet every day, for example, tens of visitors from Arab countries, including Syria, from Africa and Japan — and even the Vatican! («Our» people are truly everywhere!)

Like last year, toldot.ru has more female than male readers — 53% as opposed to 46%. Inhabitants of Moscow and Kiev rank highest as far as frequency of visits. The age group most active on the website is 19—30 years. The percentage of young users (ages 12 and up) has increased dramatically. Apparently, they find us mainly from our website"s presence in the social networks, especially InContact.

In the past year, entries from the social networks have begun to make up a significant percentage of traffic. Facebook ranks highest on the list, closely followed by InContact. Also in the top five of social network websites are LiveJournal, Twitter, and Classmates. Apparently, in the past year, many of our readers have acquired new notebooks with a screen resolution of 1366x768 pixel which has left the previously popular proportion of 1024x768 pixel far behind.

Toldot.ru is no exception to global trends. The number of users who view our resource on mobile devices has tripled (21% as compared to 7% in 2011). This number does not take into account the active usage of our applications (toldot.ru and the Siddur) by users of smartphones and iOS and Android systems. Among the owners of regular computers, the three top browsers are Google Chrome (53%), Firefox at 35% and Internet Explorer at 29%.

Popular searches, together with the traditional ones such as «Jewish names», «Kabbalah» and «Jewish music» are the names of holidays on which users seek information as we approach one date or another. The information of the counter is proof for the successful optimization of the texts on toldot.ru — all kinds of inquiries, from «Pesach 2012» to «when is the Jewish passover» lead readers to the required pages. Many readers show an interest in materials on family psychology which is reflected in questions such as «how do I get my son to do his homework» and «my husband says he no longer loves me». Among the questions are also some amusing ones, whose authors were obviously not Jewish: «When is the end of the world», «do Jews eat pork», «for what did Hitler hate the Jews». In the list of downloaded files, the audio classes of our teachers rank highest.

Our site continues to lead in the catalog of Russian-speaking resources dedicated to Judaism. Significant sums are invested into creating quality audio, video and text materials, which, as the above statistic shows, is well justified and duly appreciated by our readers. Our readers do much good through the Chesed page — this year, hundreds of families have been helped through a hard time. But our main expenses are online and offline Torah learning programs in the former Soviet Union and Israel, and we will be happy if our site becomes really your site, too!

Building Toldos together: This is my site!

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