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Halacha — a Jewish law pertaining to a particular situation in the life of a Jew; the entire body of Jewish law is called «halacha» as well
Vort — the first meeting of the parents of the future groom and bride at which their children announce their wish to get married; the date of the engagement is announced as well
Giyur — the procedure of converting to Judaism prescribed by Jewish law, a person who underwent it («ger tzedek») becomes a full-fledged Jew
Yichud — the seclusion of a man with a woman; yichud is allowed only for husband and wife as well as the closest blood relatives (grandmother, grandfather, mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter)
Yeshiva — religious educational institution for unmarried young men
Kiddushin — the consecration of the wife to the husband - the main part of a Jewish wedding, the groom consecrates the bride by putting a ring on her finger
Kisui Rosh — any headcovering with which a married Jewish woman covers her hair according to Jewish law
Kollel — religious educational institution for married men
Ring — used traditionally for the kiddushin ceremony - the consecration of the bride to the groom; the groom puts the ring on the bride's finger while saying the words «Behold, you are consecrated to me with this ring according to the law of Moshe and Israel»
Kesubah — marriage contract which is made before the wedding and read publically during the ceremony and then handed to the bride; according to Jewish law, husband and wife cannot live together even one day without the kesubah
Witnesses — the Jewish law mandates the presence of two witnesses during the wedding ceremony (chuppah) who put their signatures on the marriage contract (kesubah) and witness that groom and bride became husband and wife at that moment
Veil — it is customary for the bride's face to be covered with a veil while the groom's mother and the bride's mother lead her to the chuppah and, under the chuppah, lead her around the groom seven times
Chuppah — Jewish wedding; chuppah is also the name for the wedding canopy under which the consecration of the bride takes place and seven special blessings are made
Tznius — means «Modesty» in Hebrew, but the essence of the word encompasses a whole body of law concerning the behavior of men and women as well as aspects of the Jewish worldview
Shadchan — a Jewish matchmaker who deals preeminently with grooms; a shadchan is a person who is well-versed in Jewish law, ethics and worldview
Shadchanit — a female Jewish matchmaker who deals preeminently with brides
Sheva Brachos — seven special blessings that were decreed by the Sages to be read under the chuppah (wedding canopy) on the day of the wedding and on the seven days that follow; the festive meal that is made for groom and bride by relatives and friends daily during the seven days after the wedding is also called «sheva brachos»
Shidduch — the Jewish date - constists of several dates between a young man and a young woman in a public place in order to determine whether they would make a good husband and wife
Shoshvinim — the «entourage» of groom and bride - married couples who accompany them during the chuppah ceremony
Shtar — «contract» or «document» in Hebrew; the agreement made between groom and bride at the chuppah is called a «shtar kesubah»
Eirusin — a Jewish engagement - usually takes place several months before the wedding; at the Eirusin, the couple officially announces their plans to marry, but nevertheless, they remain forbidden for each other until the chuppah

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If you are registered in the system, your file is accessible for search to all visitors of the website (in an abridged version) and to the shadchanim registered in the system (completely). Only a shadchan can register you and publicize your file on the website.

To register, please do the following:
— using the form «shadchan search» on the left, find a shadchan in your area;
— contact him or her for an interview, and he or she will enter your information into our system database.
Shadchan registration
To receive access to the shidduch database (a personal account in our system), please contact us by phone: 054-844-0215 or via e-mail at
The Jewish Marriage:
  • Michael and Noa-Leah

    16 Tammuz 5784 (22 July 2024)

  • Haim-Meir and Yoheved

    20 Sivan 5784 (26 June 2024)

  • Daniel and Heina

    20 Sivan 5784 (26 June 2024)

  • Itzchak and Sarah Hadasa

    14 Sivan 5784 (20 June 2024)

  • Shlomo and Nechama Rivka

    4 Sivan 5784 (10 June 2024)

  • Eliran and Naomi Haya

    27 Adar alef 5784 (07 March 2024)

  • Avraham and Orly

    25 Adar alef 5784 (05 March 2024)

  • David Hananya and Odeya Rachel

    25 Adar alef 5784 (05 March 2024)

  • Nehemia and Shifra

    6 Adar alef 5784 (15 February 2024)

  • Itzchak-Eliahu and Rivka-Darya

    3 Adar alef 5784 (12 February 2024)

  • Alexander amd Genya

    16 Teves 5784 (28 December 2023)

  • Yoel and Tzivya

    6 Teves 5784 (18 December 2023)

  • Tzvi Hirsh and Hanna

    21 Kislev 5784 (04 December 2023)

  • Alexander and Rivka

    15 Kislev 5784 (28 November 2023)

  • David and Sasia

    9 Kislev 5784 (22 November 2023)

  • Dov Ber and Haya (Viktoriya)

    9 Kislev 5784 (22 November 2023)

  • Simcha Isroel and Pnina

    29 Cheshvan 5784 (13 November 2023)

  • David and Lea

    11 Cheshvan 5784 (26 October 2023)

  • Josi and Dina

    8 Cheshvan 5784 (23 October 2023)

  • Amitai and Beili

    2 Cheshvan 5784 (17 October 2023)

  • Michael and Liba

    24 Tishrei 5784 (09 October 2023)

  • Shloimi and Lea

    21 Elul 5783 (07 September 2023)

  • Natanel and Batel

    19 Elul 5783 (05 September 2023)

  • Shlomo and Malkah

    14 Elul 5783 (31 August 2023)

  • Baruch and Adina

    12 Elul 5783 (29 August 2023)

  • Nathan and Elvira

    11 Elul 5783 (28 August 2023)

  • Lacob and Sarah Lea

    7 Elul 5783 (24 August 2023)

  • David and Ilana

    29 Av 5783 (16 August 2023)

  • Israel and Dina

    28 Av 5783 (15 August 2023)

  • Aryeh and Sarah

    12 Av 5783 (30 July 2023)

  • Michoel and Hasya Lea

    10 Tammuz 5783 (29 June 2023)

  • Joseph and Rachel

    19 Sivan 5783 (08 June 2023)

  • Avraham and Yoheved

    16 Sivan 5783 (05 June 2023)

  • Shlomo and Mihal

    16 Sivan 5783 (05 June 2023)

  • Nathan and Adva

    16 Sivan 5783 (05 June 2023)

  • Roman and Lika

    12 Sivan 5783 (01 June 2023)

  • Meir Eliezer and Dina

    10 Sivan 5783 (30 May 2023)

  • Gavriel and Rivka

    9 Sivan 5783 (29 May 2023)

  • Avigdor and Beila

    24 Adar bet 5783 (17 March 2023)

  • Moshe and Diana

    27 Shevat 5783 (18 February 2023)

  • Joseph and Hana

    15 Shevat 5783 (06 February 2023)

  • Michail and Olga

    14 Shevat 5783 (05 February 2023)

  • Eliyahu and Hodaya Ronit

    1 Shevat 5783 (22 January 2023)

  • Moris and Inna

    19 Teves 5783 (11 January 2023)

  • Alex and Hana

    30 Cheshvan 5783 (23 November 2022)

  • Eliyahu and Rivka-Lea

    10 Cheshvan 5783 (03 November 2022)

  • Aaron Felix and Orly

    3 Cheshvan 5783 (27 October 2022)

  • Zohar and Brahi

    28 Av 5782 (25 August 2022)

  • Eliyahu and Efrat

    26 Av 5782 (23 August 2022)

  • Israel and Rachel

    25 Av 5782 (22 August 2022)

  • Isroel and Nechama

    20 Av 5782 (17 August 2022)

  • Aryeh Yosef and Naomi Yael

    6 Tammuz 5782 (05 July 2022)

  • Benjamin and Fanni

    29 Sivan 5782 (28 June 2022)

  • Daniel Yeshayahu and Haya Yehudit

    27 Sivan 5782 (26 June 2022)

  • Zahariya and Rivka

    24 Sivan 5782 (23 June 2022)

  • Yakov Yosef and Rachel

    18 Iyar 5782 (19 May 2022)

  • Yakov and Irina

    14 Nissan 5782 (15 April 2022)

  • Shlomo and Hana Rivka

    6 Nissan 5782 (07 April 2022)

  • Itzhak and Adina

    5 Nissan 5782 (06 April 2022)

  • Yehezkel and Abigail

    24 Adar bet 5782 (27 March 2022)

  • Mordechai and Liudmila

    20 Teves 5782 (23 December 2021)

  • Yshai and Esti

    18 Teves 5782 (21 December 2021)

  • Peisah and Elena

    26 Av 5781 (04 August 2021)

  • Josef and Ruth

    28 Adar bet 5781 (11 March 2021)

  • Reuven and Roza

    12 Adar bet 5781 (23 February 2021)

  • Avraham and Sarah

    10 Adar bet 5781 (21 February 2021)

  • Igal and Ora

    6 Adar bet 5781 (17 February 2021)

  • Borukh and Ruth

    1 Teves 5781 (15 December 2020)

  • Reuven and Naomi

    29 Cheshvan 5781 (16 November 2020)

  • Itzhak and Yehudit

    25 Elul 5780 (13 September 2020)

  • Bezalel and Tanya

    17 Av 5780 (06 August 2020)

  • Itzhak and Avigal

    20 Tammuz 5780 (11 July 2020)

  • Michael and Sarah

    16 Tammuz 5780 (07 July 2020)

  • Yakov and Rivka

    1 Tammuz 5780 (22 June 2020)

  • Eliyahu and Olga

    27 Nissan 5780 (21 April 2020)

  • Chaim and Sarah

    6 Nissan 5780 (30 March 2020)

  • Shmuel and Nesia

    19 Adar bet 5780 (15 March 2020)

  • Michoel and Lena

    12 Teves 5780 (08 January 2020)

  • Moshe and Sarah

    16 Cheshvan 5780 (13 November 2019)

  • Arie and Elisheva

    26 Adar bet 5779 (01 April 2019)

  • Yitzchak and Milcah

    21 Adar bet 5779 (27 March 2019)

  • Nathanel and Ruth

    6 Adar bet 5779 (13 March 2019)

  • Avraham Daniel and Shoshana

    1 Adar bet 5779 (07 March 2019)

  • Reuven and Sheina

    20 Av 5778 (01 August 2018)

  • David and Kineret

    17 Av 5778 (29 July 2018)

  • Shmuel and Reizel

    24 Sivan 5778 (07 June 2018)

  • Eliyahu and Chaya

    16 Sivan 5778 (29 May 2018)

  • Menashe and Leeya

    10 Sivan 5778 (24 May 2018)

  • Yonathan and Michal

    20 Adar bet 5778 (06 March 2018)

  • Alexander and Ofir

    24 Teves 5778 (10 January 2018)

  • Meir and Ester

    27 Kislev 5778 (14 December 2017)

  • Michael and Adar

    27 Kislev 5778 (14 December 2017)

  • Shmuel and Yocheved

    28 Tishrei 5778 (17 October 2017)

  • Aharon Yisrael and Chana Rochel

    14 Elul 5777 (05 September 2017)

  • Gedaliya and Sarah Irena

    11 Av 5777 (03 August 2017)

  • Yosef and Leah

    9 Tammuz 5777 (03 July 2017)

  • David and Feiga

    11 Sivan 5777 (05 June 2017)

  • Ishai and Batya

    6 Nissan 5777 (02 April 2017)

  • Avraham and Chava

    25 Shevat 5777 (20 February 2017)

  • Ovadia and Rivka

    3 Elul 5776 (06 September 2016)

  • Moshe and Ruth

    28 Av 5776 (31 August 2016)

  • Uri Yisrael and Nechama

    13 Av 5776 (17 August 2016)

  • Chanoch and Rachel

    9 Sivan 5776 (15 June 2016)

  • Otniel Yosef and Mazal

    1 Sivan 5776 (07 June 2016)

  • Asher and Chana

    18 Iyar 5776 (25 May 2016)

  • Arie and Chana

    18 Iyar 5776 (25 May 2016)

  • Alexander and Rivka

    6 Nissan 5776 (14 April 2016)

  • Yitzchak and Yael

    22 Adar bet 5776 (31 March 2016)

  • Zalman and Golda Tal

    20 Adar bet 5776 (29 March 2016)

  • Nathanel and Sheina

    18 Adar bet 5776 (28 March 2016)

  • Chaim and Chana

    18 Adar bet 5776 (28 March 2016)

  • Aviel and Chaya

    13 Adar bet 5776 (22 March 2016)

  • Ariel and Rachel

    24 Adar alef 5776 (03 March 2016)

  • Eliyahu and Tova

    5 Shevat 5776 (14 January 2016)

  • Vladimir and Julia

    26 Elul 5775 (10 September 2015)

  • Gavriel and Ora

    12 Elul 5775 (27 August 2015)

  • Lior and Yael

    4 Elul 5775 (19 August 2015)

  • Shlomo Zalman and Yehudit

    25 Tammuz 5775 (12 July 2015)

  • Reuven and Avigail

    5 Tammuz 5775 (22 June 2015)

  • Daniel and Shelat

    5 Nissan 5775 (25 March 2015)

  • Mordechai and Naomi

    7 Cheshvan 5775 (30 October 2014)

  • Avraham and Dina

    26 Tishrei 5775 (19 October 2014)

  • Mark and Victoria

    21 Av 5774 (17 August 2014)

  • Eliezer and Rivka

    15 Tammuz 5774 (13 July 2014)

  • Elchanan and Dvora

    12 Tammuz 5774 (10 July 2014)

  • Levi and Esther

    20 Sivan 5774 (18 June 2014)

  • Arie Leib and Chanah

    18 Sivan 5774 (16 June 2014)

  • Uriel and Noya

    18 Iyar 5774 (18 May 2014)

  • Ariel and Alexandra

    18 Iyar 5774 (18 May 2014)

  • Chaim and Rachel

    18 Iyar 5774 (18 May 2014)

  • Tsvi Chaim and Miriam

    1 Teves 5774 (03 December 2013)

  • Yechiel and Chanah

    24 Kislev 5774 (26 November 2013)

  • Avraham and Anna

    22 Av 5773 (29 July 2013)

  • Elisha and Leah

    6 Tammuz 5773 (13 June 2013)

  • Shalom and Maya

    18 Iyar 5773 (28 April 2013)

  • Simcha and Sonya

    9 Nissan 5773 (20 March 2013)

  • Asher and Ruth

    24 Adar bet 5773 (05 March 2013)

  • Shlomo and Chava

    19 Adar bet 5773 (01 March 2013)

  • Binyamin and Esther

    7 Cheshvan 5773 (22 October 2012)

  • Alexandr and Alice

    30 Tishrei 5773 (16 October 2012)

  • Michael and Irma

    7 Tishrei 5773 (23 September 2012)

  • Nohum and Golda

    24 Av 5772 (12 August 2012)

  • Mordekhay and Golda

    12 Tammuz 5772 (02 July 2012)

  • David and Ester

    24 Sivan 5772 (14 June 2012)

  • Daniel and Marina

    1 Sivan 5772 (22 May 2012)

  • Arie and Noa

    18 Iyar 5772 (10 May 2012)

  • Shraga and Ariella

    8 Shevat 5772 (01 February 2012)

  • David and Noa

    18 Kislev 5772 (14 December 2011)

  • Alexander and Irena

    28 Elul 5771 (27 September 2011)

  • Shmuel and Hadassa

    16 Elul 5771 (14 September 2011)

  • Refael and Israella

    15 Elul 5771 (14 September 2011)

  • Tamara and Tzvi

    11 Av 5771 (11 August 2011)

  • Daniel and Lea

    9 Tammuz 5771 (11 July 2011)

  • Asher and Elisheba

    7 Nissan 5771 (11 April 2011)

  • Yisrael and Chanah

    27 Adar alef 5771 (02 March 2011)

  • Boruch and Rachel

    23 Adar alef 5771 (27 February 2011)

  • Yosef and Sarah

    18 Adar alef 5771 (22 February 2011)

  • Shmuel and Rivka

    28 Teves 5771 (03 January 2011)

  • Aviv and Olga

    20 Teves 5771 (26 December 2010)

  • Gavriel and Tali

    25 Kislev 5771 (01 December 2010)

  • Moshe Chaim and Esther

    20 Elul 5770 (30 August 2010)

  • Boruch and Miriam

    25 Sivan 5770 (07 June 2010)

  • Nathan and Esther

    19 Sivan 5770 (01 June 2010)

  • Shai and Dvorah Rachel

    3 Sivan 5770 (16 May 2010)

  • Avraham and Olga

    4 Sivan 5770 (16 May 2010)

  • Tuvya and Sarah

    3 Sivan 5770 (16 May 2010)

  • David and Esther

    20 Iyar 5770 (04 May 2010)

  • David Moshe and Yafa

    18 Iyar 5770 (02 May 2010)

  • Baruch Lavi and Bracha

    11 Nissan 5770 (26 March 2010)

  • Alexander and Olga

    4 Nissan 5770 (19 March 2010)

  • Rafael and Genya

    28 Adar bet 5770 (14 March 2010)

  • Dov and Avital

    12 Adar bet 5770 (25 February 2010)

  • Avraham and Chana

    24 Shevat 5770 (07 February 2010)

  • Daniel and Esther

    5 Shevat 5770 (19 January 2010)

  • Ilya and Yael

    9 Kislev 5770 (25 November 2009)

  • Eitan and Chana Rachel

    28 Tishrei 5770 (15 October 2009)

  • Michael and Vika

    17 Av 5769 (07 August 2009)

  • Aleksandr and Sarrah

    9 Tammuz 5769 (01 July 2009)

  • Eliyahu and Talya

    8 Tammuz 5769 (30 June 2009)

  • Michael Yehuda and Revital

    16 Sivan 5769 (08 June 2009)

  • Yoel and Chanah

    20 Iyar 5769 (14 May 2009)

  • Ariel and Shlomit

    3 Nissan 5769 (27 March 2009)

  • David and Dina-Nechama

    2 Nissan 5769 (26 March 2009)

  • Yehiel and Lea

    2 Nissan 5769 (26 March 2009)

  • Meir and Dina

    2 Adar bet 5769 (25 February 2009)

  • Yosef and Sarah

    17 Shevat 5769 (10 February 2009)

  • Simcha and Dina

    10 Shevat 5769 (03 February 2009)

  • Roshal and Mazal

    25 Elul 5768 (24 September 2008)

  • Nachum and Keren

    21 Sivan 5768 (24 June 2008)

  • Avraham and Chaya

    13 Sivan 5768 (16 June 2008)

  • Tzion and Zahava

    4 Nissan 5768 (09 April 2008)

  • Reuven and Nechama

    3 Nissan 5768 (08 April 2008)

  • Dan and Julia

    26 Adar bet 5768 (02 April 2008)

  • Eliezer and Chana Rivka

    18 Adar bet 5768 (25 March 2008)

  • Zalman and Ella

    11 Adar bet 5768 (18 March 2008)

  • Elisha and Michal

    9 Adar bet 5768 (16 March 2008)

  • Yosef and Michal

    13 Adar alef 5768 (19 February 2008)

  • Lev and Bella

    5 Adar alef 5768 (11 February 2008)

  • Ben Tzion and Chana

    5 Adar alef 5768 (11 February 2008)

  • Lev and Ahuvah

    25 Kislev 5768 (04 December 2007)

  • «Хупа». Древняя гравюра
    Basic Terms
    Halacha, Vort, Giyur, Yichud, Yeshiva, Kiddushin, Kisui Rosh, Kollel, Ring, Kesubah, Witnesses, Veil, Chuppah, Tznius, Shadchan, Shadchanit, Sheva Brachos, Shidduch, Shoshvinim, Shtar, Eirusin
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